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    مصطلحات طبية ..موضوع مهم 1

    الناقل : elmasry | العمر :43 | الكاتب الأصلى : zorooo | المصدر : sayadla.com

    كلمات مفتاحية  :
    طب صحة مصطلحات طبية

    انا قررت ان شاء الله ان اعمل موضوع عن المصطلحات الطبية
    هيكون شامل شرح مبسط مع بعض الصور ان امكن وهبدأ الموضوع بالحروف الهجائية
    يكفينا كل يوم ان نتعلم مصطلحين فقط
    اتمنى ان تستفيدوا جميعا من الموضوع

    Definition of A (adenine)




    A (adenine): In genetics, A stands for adenine, one member of the A-T (adenine-thymine) base pair in DNA.
    In DNA, the code letters are A, T, G, and C, which stand for the chemicals adenine, thymine, guanine, and cytosine, respectively. In DNA base pairing, adenine always pairs with thymine, and guanine always pairs with cytosine. Adenine is also one of the bases in RNA. There it always pairs with uracil (U). The base pairs in RNA are therefore A-U and G-C.

    تانى مصطلح عايزين نعرفه النهاردة
    Definition of A-

    A-: Prefix very much employed in medicine and all of the health sciences, indicating "not, without, -less" as, for example, aphagia (not eat), aphonia (not voice, voiceless). The "a-" usually becomes "an-" before a vowel as, for example, in anemia (without blood), anophthalmia (no eye), anotia (no ear), anoxia (no oxygen). The prefix "a-" comes from the Greek meaning "not."

    Definition of A-T

    A-T: Ataxia-telangiectasia
    progressive neurodegenerative genetic disease characterized by cerebellar ataxia (incoordination and lack of balance), ocular telangiectasia ("red eyes" due to widening of small blood vessels in the conjunctiva), immune defects, and a predisposition to malignancy. Chromosomal breakage is a feature. Ataxia-telangiectasia (A-T) cells are abnormally sensitive to killing by ionizing radiation.
    A-T becomes evident in early childhood, usually in the first decade of life. The signs of A-T are

    lack of balance and slurred speech (due to the ataxia) and telangiectasias (tiny red "spider" veins), which appear in the whites of the eyes or on the surface of the ears and cheeks.
    People with A-T are predisposed to leukemia and lymphoma. They are also extremely sensitive to radiation exposure. Most people with A-T have a defective
    immune system, making them susceptible to recurrentrespiratory infections. Other features of the disease may include diabetes mellitus, premature graying of the hair, difficulty swallowing and slowed growth.
    There is no cure for A-T and, currently, there is no known therapy to slow the progression of the disease. Treatment is symptomatic and supportive. Physical and occupational
    therapy may help maintain flexibility.
    Speech therapy may also be useful. Intravenous immune globulin (IVIG)





    Definition of Acinetobacter

    Acinetobacter: (Pronounced AH-sin-neto-bacter). A group of bacteria found in soil, water, and hospitals where they can cause serious infections in immunocompromised people and are often resistant to antibiotics.
    in hospitals some strains, particularly
    Acinetobacter baumannii

    , can cause infections including pneumonia and bacteremia (bloodstream infection).

    كلمات مفتاحية  :
    طب صحة مصطلحات طبية

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