بتـــــاريخ : 10/12/2010 2:59:46 PM
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    Jordan to review plans to open fuel market

    الناقل : SunSet | العمر :37 | المصدر : www.ameinfo.com

    كلمات مفتاحية  :

    The Jordanian energy and mineral resources minister, Khalid Irani has said the cabinet is set to review a previously stalled strategy to end the 50-year monopoly of the Jordan Petroleum Refinery Co (JPRC), Jordan Times has reported. The strategy aims to gradually allow private sector companies to import oil derivatives over a three- to five-year period before completely liberalising the market, said Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Khalid Irani. In addition to encouraging fair competition, the move aims to empower the JPRC to operate on a commercial basis, Irani said. "This will reflect on the quality, quantity and price of oil derivatives," the minister told the daily.

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