بتـــــاريخ : 11/16/2008 5:01:18 PM
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  • التعليقات المشاهدات التقييمات
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    آلام البطن

    الناقل : elmasry | العمر :42 | الكاتب الأصلى : dr_heba | المصدر : sayadla.com

    كلمات مفتاحية  :
    مرض آلام البطن

    1)Epigastric pain :
    -Diagnosis : it may be
    A)Acute gastritis - peptic ulcer – esophageal reflux .
    -Clinical picture
    patient complain is pain in epigastrium related to meal & usually associated with vomiting &burning pain after meal.
    -Ask about:
    taking (NSAID - smoking - spicy food ).
    -Advise : avoid spicy &heavy meals - stop smoking -little use of NSAID& take it after meals.
    Avoid sleep directly after meals.
    -Emergency treatment ;
    1)Anti spasmodic ampoule *Visceralgine (act peripherally )
    *Buscoban (act peripherally &centrally)
    2)H2-antagonist ampoule *Zantac.
    N.B :we use ampoule for rapid relief of pain &we can mix safely *visceralgine &*zantac.
    -Treatment :

    1)H2-antagonist -Rantidin (*Ranitak150mg)
    one tablet twice daily.
    2)proton pump inhibitor -Omeprazole (*Napizole 20mg) capsule twice daily. Withdrawal of dose after one or two weak to one capsule daily.
    3)Dompridone -*Motilium (tablet before meal 3 t.d.s ) for gastric reflux
    B)Pancrititis :
    -Clinical picture patient with sever pain &has specific position (Lying forward).
    -Treatment: refer to sp. Doctor.
    C)Myocardial infraction or Angina Pectoris
    -Clinical picture :
    Sever chest pain in left shoulder arm &jaw radiating to epigastrium&retrosternal, associated with sweating &vomiting .
    -Ask about : history of cardiac disease
    -Emergency treatment :
    Nitro glycerine (*Dinitra 5-10mg) sublingually.
    Then refer to sp. Doctor. GO UP
    2) Right hypochendrium:
    - ask about : - history of liver & kidney disease?
    -Diagnosis : it may be
    a)biliary colic
    It is a sever colicky pain which radiating to the right shoulder & scapula and associated with fatty meal. It's commonly appear in forty, faty , femal ,fair ,fertile (5Fs) and associated with jaundice in calcular cholecystietis.
    ·You can give as Emergency treatment :
    -*Visceralgine amp (for speedy recover of pain) .
    -Systemic Antibiotic à 3rd – generation (cephalosporine) against bacterial Infection which may cane information. (*cefotax vial)+ Metronidazole *Flagyl.
    -eff .granules [*coli – uinal &* uninal] and advice him to drink large amount of water.
    N.B : lab – report about (salts & Stones & pus cells … ) can help you .
    b) Hepatitis:
    clinical picture : dull pain associated with fatigue ,malaise and Jaundice .
    treatment : Refer to Sp.doc .
    c) Right lower lobe pneumonia
    clinical picture: triad of pneumonia "fever ,tachypnea &cough"
    patient with high temperature , increased respiratory rate , productive cough. associated with right hypochondrial pain.
    Treatment : refer to sp. Doctor .
    GO UP
    3) Ieft hypochondrium :
    -Diagnosis: it may be a) Splenic rupture in history of trauma .
    b)Left lower lobe pneumonia.
    -Treatment: refer to sp Doctor.
    GO UP
    4) Right&Left flank pain:
    - Diagnosis: Renal or ureteric pain
    à colic pain "agonizing pain" in Right & left flank (Renal angel) radiating to the groin with suprapupic pain, dysuria, vomiting, hematouria and fever .
    à Emergency treatment :
    ·*visceralgine ampoule .
    ·treatment :
    ·Anti septic : eff – granules (*Coli- urinal &* proximol) 3 times daily.
    ·analgesic à* urinex cap 3 times daily
    N.B : urine analysis : Is very Important to guide you :-
    1) pus cells :
    à if pus cells < 30 HPF
    * macrofuran 50 mg cap / 6 hrs
    *uvamin retard 100 mg / 12 hrs
    à if pus cells > 30 HPF
    (Quinolone – derivative) -* Ciprofloxacin cap / 12 hr
    OR - *Ofloxin tab . /12 hr
    (sulfa–drug) -*Septazole
    N.B: sulfa–drugs don't used with *proximol eff . to avoid PPT .

    2) crystals : ureat crystals à *urosolvin sachets
    oxalates crystalsà*Epimag eff (act on exogenous oxalates) *citrocid–mg eff.(act on endogenous&exogenous oxalates )
    GO UP 5) periumbilical pain :
    Diagnosis:a)small bowel obstruction:
    Ask about history of vomiting & constipation and abdominal distension in periumbilical area .
    Treatment: you can give anti spasmodic and refer to sp . doctor
    b) other intestinal infection:
    will be discussed later…..
    GO UP
    6) Right iliac fossa :
    Diagnosisa)Acute appendicitis
    - Right iliac pain start around umbilicus localized to right iliac fossa with (+ve Psoas Stretch Sign) , vomiting & fever.
    Emergency treatment : give anti spasmodic ampoule (* visceralgine)
    N.b :1) don't give Analgesic as it mask pain . which may cause rupture without pain
    2)Psoas Stretch Sign:passive extension or hyper extension of the hip increases the abdominal pain due to psoas muscle being in contact with the inflamed appendix.
    b) Ectopic pregnancy :
    -clinical picture : in females with history of amenorrhea, pelvic inflammatory disease & +ve history of I.U..D vaginal discharge .
    -may be associated with fever.
    Treatment : refer to sp.doctor.
    GO UP
    7) Left iliac fossa :
    -Diagnosis :a)irritable bowel disease
    -clinical picture pain most commonly associated with digestive disorder .
    -Treatment : an
    :: Manqol.com ::ti spasmodic for colon.
    * Colona - * cloxid - * colospasmin forte (tablet before meal 3 t.d.s)
    b) Ectopic pregnancy:
    -as mentioned before…….
    GO UP
    8)Suprapupic region :
    -Diagnosis : it may be a) pelvic inflammatory disease:
    -it is syndrome due to ascending infection of the vagina , cervix , endometrium or fallopian tubes & / or contiguous structure .
    -Clinical picture : Acute lower abdominal pain , fever , tenderness in the lower abdomen associated with vaginal discharge.
    -Treatment : anti inflammatory drug. *Antiflam 50mg tab. 3 t.d.s.
    b) Renal or ureteric pain :
    -Treatment : as mentioned before
    **General Notes :
    1)Large Bowel Obstruction:
    à sever constipation , pain in flanks , fever & general look is ill .
    2) Diabetic mellitus Abdominal pain :

    -in patient with history of un controlled D.M may cause Acute abdominal pain ….

    كلمات مفتاحية  :
    مرض آلام البطن

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