بتـــــاريخ : 11/15/2008 8:11:20 AM
  • الصحــــــــــــة
  • التعليقات المشاهدات التقييمات
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    الناقل : elmasry | العمر :42 | الكاتب الأصلى : محمودالراوي | المصدر : sayadla.com

    كلمات مفتاحية  :
    دواء Phenazopyridine




    Phenazopyridine HCl is indicated for the symptomaticrelief of pain, burning, urgency, frequency, and other discomforts arising from irritation of the lower urinary tractmucosa caused by infection, trauma, surgery, endoscopic procedures, or the passage of sounds or catheters. The use of Phenazopyridine HCl for relief of symptoms should not delay definitivediagnosis and treatment of causative conditions. Because it provides only symptomatic relief, promptappropriatetreatment of the cause of

    must be instituted and Phenazopyridine HCl should be discontinued when symptoms are controlled

    The analgesicaction may reduce or eliminate the need for systemic analgesics or narcotics. It is, however, compatible with antibacterial therapy and can help to relievepain and discomfort during the interval before antibacterial therapy controls the infection. Treatment of a urinary tractinfection with Phenazopyridine HCl should not exceed 2 days because there is a lack of evidence that the combined administration of Phenazopyridine HCl and an antibacterial provides greater benefit than administration of the

    alone after 2 days



    Average adultdosage is 200 mg. 3 times a day after meals
    When used concomitantly with an
    antibacterialagent for the treatment of a urinary tract infection, the

    of Phenazopyridine HCl should not exceed 2 days



    Phenazopyridine Hydrochloride 100
    mg tablets are supplied in bottles of 100 and 1000 tablets. 100 mg tablets are round, coated, deep maroon and printed 25

    Phenazopyridine Hydrochloride 200
    mg tablets are supplied in bottles of 100 and 1000 tablets. 200 mg tablets are caplet shaped, coated,

    maroon and printed CPC860

    Store at controlled room

    15°- 30° C (59°- 86° F) i



    كلمات مفتاحية  :
    دواء Phenazopyridine

    تعليقات الزوار ()