بتـــــاريخ : 11/16/2008 1:03:13 PM
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    قرحة المعدة...(Peptic Ulcer) 1

    الناقل : elmasry | العمر :42 | الكاتب الأصلى : هبة الله | المصدر : sayadla.com

    كلمات مفتاحية  :
    قرحة المعدة مرض Peptic Ulcer

    Peptic Ulcer



    it's break in the normal tissue that lines the stomach

    if ulcer is in stomach ==== Gastric ulcer
    if ulcer is in doudenum ==== Dudenal ulcer


    stoumach + duodenal ulcer


    In past: It was belived that life style factors such as
    stress and diet caused ulcer
    يعني نوعية الأكل والضغط النفسي والتوتر مش مسبب للقرحة لكن مجرد عامل مساعد أ, بس بيزود الألم مش أكتر

    أمال ايه السبب؟؟

    later: Researcher determined that stomach acids and pepsin are controling the peptic ulcer
    يعني في عدم توازن بين الأحماض الي بطلعها المعدة (كتير) وبين الطبقة المبطنة للمعدة (ضعيفة أو قليلة)

    Today: 80% of gastric ulcer and 90 % of duodenal ulcer are devlop due to infection by bacterium called
    Helicobacter Pylori
    طلعت في الآخر بكتيريا

    ايه نظامها البكتيريا دي بقى..؟؟...

    This H.Pylori is the cause in about 19 in 20 cases
    This bacterium affects the lining of the duodenum in some way which allows the acid to cause inflammation and ulcers

    Researchers are not certain how people contract H. pylori, but they think it may be through food or water

    Researchers have found H. pylori in the saliva of some infected people, so the bacteria may also spread through mouth-to-mouth contact such as kissing

    :::Risk factor for Gastric Ulcer:::

    use asprin and (NSAIDs) ie. Non Stroidal Anti
    Infilamatory Drugs ex:Ibuprofen
    These medicines sometimes affect the lining of the
    duodenum and allow acid to cause an ulcer

    H.Pylori: Which weaken the stomach's protective mucus and make it more susceptible to damage by acid and pepsin as well as produce more acid





    Incresing age


    abdominal pain at night
    Pain in the upper abdomen just below the sternum
    يعني ألم أسفل عظمة القص مباشرة
    relieved by antacid and milk
    occur 2hr. after meal
    be worse if you don't eat


    Bleeding , vomiting blood, Perforation and bloody or black stools When Complications develop


    كلمات مفتاحية  :
    قرحة المعدة مرض Peptic Ulcer

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