بتـــــاريخ : 11/4/2010 7:24:28 PM
  • اعـــلن هنــــا
  • التعليقات المشاهدات التقييمات
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    مطلوب مترجمين ومراجعين (مصر)

    الناقل : SunSet | العمر :37 | المصدر : www.sooqak.com

    كلمات مفتاحية  :

    مطلوب مترجمين ومراجعين (مصر)


    Freelance translators& proofreaders required in the following pairs:
    Spanish: English and vice versa
    Italian: English and vice versa
    German: English and vice versa
    French: English and vice versa
    Polish: English and vice versa
    Czech: English and vice versa
    Japanese: English and vice versa
    Mandarin: English and vice versa
    Danish: English and vice versa
    Hungarian: English and vice versa
    Russian: English and vice versa
    Dutch: English and vice versa
    Requirements: -
    Send your C.V along with rate/word in US dollars & daily output for general translation to:

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