بتـــــاريخ : 10/8/2010 8:07:01 PM
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    ATI Catalyst 10.5 Drivers & Software 8.732 2010 ENG

    الناقل : SunSet | العمر :37 | الكاتب الأصلى : كل البرامج | المصدر : www.all-prog.org

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    ATI Catalyst 10.5 Drivers & Software 8.732 (2010/ENG)


    ATI Catalyst 10.5 Drivers & Software 8.732 (2010/ENG) | 465 MB

    AMD has introduced a new official version of Catalyst driver at number 10.5 for May. It is designed for video card series Radeon HD, since 2000, as well as integrated solutions. Due to the withdrawal of support products previous rulers 9200/9250 and below have to be content with the old version numbered 6.5 (or 6.11 for cards on chips R300 and below), and for the Radeon series graphics cards and other suitable X/9500/9600/9600 March release 9.3.

    AMD's award-winning ATI Catalyst graphics and HD video configuration software delivers unprecedented control of performance and visual quality with ATI Radeon ™ graphics processors. Certified by Microsoft ® Windows ® Hardware Quality Labs (WHQL), ATI Catalyst drivers for Windows Vista ® and Windows ® XP operating systems deliver stable performance and push the limits of innovation with advanced user-oriented features.

    Precision controls for power users. Tweaks for gamers and video enthusiasts. Simple wizard-assisted setup, easy multi-monitor configuration, and ultra reliable operation for working professionals. New user or seasoned expert, ATI Catalyst puts you in charge of The Ultimate Visual Experience ™.

    The Catalyst ™ Software Suite 10.5 contains the following:

    * ATI Radeon ™ display driver 8.732
    * HydraVision ™ for both Windows XP, Vista and Windows 7
    * Southbridge / IXP Driver
    * ATI Catalyst ™ Control Center Version 8.732

    Caution: The ATI Catalyst ™ software driver and the ATI Catalyst ™ Control Center can be downloaded independently of each other. However, for maximum stability and performance AMD recommends that both components be updated from the same ATI Catalyst ™ release.
    Caution: The ATI Catalyst ™ Control Center requires that the Microsoft. NET Framework SP1 be installed. Without. NET SP1 installed, the ATI Catalyst ™ Control Center will not launch properly and the user will see an error message.
    Note: These release notes provide information on the ATI Radeon ™ display driver only. For information on the ATI Multimedia Center ™, HydraVision ™, HydraVision Basic Edition, Remote Wonder ™, or the Southbridge / IXP driver, please refer to their respective release notes found at: http://support.amd.com/.
    Note: ATI Eyefinity technology gives gamers access to incredibly high display resolutions. As pixel count grows, the graphics horsepower required to drive the displays at a reasonable frame rate can increase dramatically. Depending on the game and system configuration, users may notice texture corruption and reduced frame rates when running games in multi-monitor Eyefinity modes.
    Note: WDM drivers are no longer bundled in the ATI Catalyst ™ software suite. The WDM drivers install bundle can be downloaded independently through the AMD website.
    Note: The Drag and Drop Transcoding feature is a beta level feature provided only for evaluation purposes. The Drag and Drop Transcoding feature is only supported on single and dual core CPUs, and supported on devices that support Media Transfer Protocol (MTP).
    Note: Although listed in the documentation, ADL_Adapter_ClockInfo_Get is not available in the current version of the ADL. The code for obtaining the clock information was excluded due to inaccurate information being reported when the card is over-clocked. Future updates of ADL SDK will reflect this change. As an alternative, ADL_Overdrive5_ODParameters_Get () can be used but this API is only supported on R600 and above ASICs.

    System requirements:
    - OS: Windows XP, Widows Vista, Windows 7
    - GPU: ATI Radeon HD 5000, ATI Radeon HD 4000, ATI Radeon HD 3000, ATI Radeon HD 2000

    1. Remove all previous program and driver ATI Catalyst ™.
    2. Install the display driver and Catalyst Control Center.

    OS: Windows 7/Vista/XP
    Lang: English


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