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    Adverbs الظرف - الله مااجعله خير

    الناقل : elmasry | العمر :42 | الكاتب الأصلى : moo15oon | المصدر : www.mor3ben.com

    كلمات مفتاحية  :
    Adverbs الظرف لغة الأنجليزية

    I) Building adverbs

    بنضيف للصفة Ly
    A. Most adverbs are formed
    from the adjective. One adds the ending "-ly" to the adjectival form:
    intelligent --> intelligently, slow --> slowly , precise --> precisely

    اذا انتهت الصفة ب Le ببساطة نتبدل ال e ب ال y

    B. If the adjective ends with "-le," simply replace the "e" with "y": simple --> simply , subtle --> subtly ,

    قاعدة شاذة

    C. The adverb corresponding to the adjective "good" is irregular: good --> well

    بعضهم لهم نفس شكل الصفة
    D. Some adverbs have the same form as the adjective: high , low , hard , better , fast

    ظرف الكمية ملوش مقابل فى الصفات

    E. In general, adverbs of time and space have no corresponding adjective; the same can be said of adverbs of quantity: yesterday , today , tomorrow , early , soon , late , here , there , less , more , as , very , much , a lot of , little of

    مكان وضع الظرف

    II) Where?

    A. When an adverb modifies a verb, it generally comes at the end of the clause (but before any prepositional phrases or subordinated clauses):

    يأتى فى نهاية العبارة

    امثلة موضحة لاحظ وضع الظرف بالفوشيا
    He writes poorly. She pronounced that word well.. Joseph worked diligently. They worked hard before coming home.

    Exceptions:A: a few adverbs telling the speaker's opinion, such as "probably," "undoubtedly," "surely," "certainly," etc., come at the beginning of the sentence, or between the modal verb (or auxiliary) and the principal verb:

    بعض الظروف تعبر عن رأى المتكلم مثلا عندما نقول بالتأكيد - بلاشك....
    عندئذ يأتى الظرف فى بداية الجملة

    امثلة موضحة لاحظ وضع الظرف بالفوشيا
    We are probably going to spend the summer in Corsica. Certainly we would never do that! We will undoubtedly see a dirty political campaign this year.

    ظرف الزمن والمكان يأتى عامة فى نهاية الجملة
    B. Adverbs of time and space generally come at the end of the sentence; however, they may be placed at the beginning of the sentence if the predicate clause is long and complicated

    امثلة موضحة لاحظ وضع الظرف بالفوشيا


    I saw her yesterday. We're going to the beach today. She went to bed very early. Tomorrow we will try to get up early to prepare for our trip.


    C. Adverbs modifying adjectives or an other adverb are placed before the adjective or the adverb they modify:

    امثلة موضحة لاحظ وضع الظرف بالفوشيا

    She was really very happy to see you. It was a brilliantly sta ged performance.

    كلمات مفتاحية  :
    Adverbs الظرف لغة الأنجليزية

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