بتـــــاريخ : 5/1/2012 8:21:29 AM
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    برنامج التعريفات الاقوى Pareto Logic Driver Cure 1.6

    الناقل : SunSet | العمر :37 | الكاتب الأصلى : بركاتوبرغي | المصدر : www.al-7up.com

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    برنامج التعريفات الاقوى Pareto Logic

    التعريفات الاقوى pareto logic driver cure 1.6

    برنامج التعريفات الاقوى Pareto Logic

    برنامج قوي جدا للبحث عن التعاريف وتنزيلها
    برنامج ممتاز وجيد ولا غنا عنه
    لن تحتار بعد الان لتنزيل تعاريف جهازك

    للتحميل من هنا

    برنامج التعريفات الاقوى Pareto Logic

    Features / Benefits of the Automatic driver Update Program

    Sets system restore point so that you revert
    back to your old drivers
    Improved performance and stability thanks to having the latest Windows XP, Vista, and Windows 7 drivers for your printer, scanner, sound card, digital camera, graphics card, mouse, display and other devices
    Removes worries of lost disks. With ParetoLogic DriverCure
    driver update program, you can easily find the right driver without having the original disk
    driver update process eliminates your risk of downloading a faulty driver or malware. The wrong driver or malicious code could cripple your PC
    Monitoring of a growing list of more than 4,000 software applications and over 3,000 hardware vendors
    A small footprint. ParetoLogic DriverCure takes up minimal system resources, ensuring that when you update drivers Windows still has all the power it needs for other processes

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