أأنت حلمٌ

الناقل : mahmoud | الكاتب الأصلى : سلاف | المصدر : www.khayma.com

أأنت حلمٌ أتى من سالف الحقبِ

جادت به ذكرياتٌ دونما سببِ

أم أنت من عالم للجنّ فيه رؤى

ألقوا بها في فؤادي ساعة اللغبِ

لعلّ عينيّ من سحرٍ غدا بهما

قد شافتاك وراء الأفق والسحبِ (1)

لعلني واهمٌ فيما أخيّله

لعلني لم أطف بالثغر والهدُبِ

لعلني لم أر العينين عاكِستَيْ

أبهى جمال سماءٍ حفّ بالشهبِ

لعل أحلى شفاهٍ لم أذق لهما

طعمَ النعيمِ مشوبا روعةَ اللهبِ

فلا الزمان ولا هذا المكان هما

من جمّعانا بظل التين والعنَبِ

لعلّ حلماً أتى من سالف الحقبِ

جادت به ذكرياتٌ دونما سببِ


تشوّف إلى الخبر تطلّع

مستلهمة من النص

It seems perhaps I dreamed you,
From some time so long ago;
Some ancient wisp of memory,
Did the land of mists bestow

Perhaps it was to the otherworld,
Kidnapped by the faerie kind;
They must have played some enchantment,
Some spell upon my mind

Perhaps it was some magic,
That to my seeking eyes did betray;
The illusion of some sweet vision of you,
That led me somehow astray

Perhaps my senses misled me,
And never was I in your space;
Never did I hold your hand,
Nor touch your gentle face

Perhaps I saw not the image,
Of kind and lively skies;
Reflected in your aspect,
And mirrored in your eyes

Perhaps my lips never touched yours,
And felt the softness of your kiss;
To feel as spring flowers do,
Under the sun's bright warm bliss

Perhaps, it just seems so long ago,
That I beheld you in my sight;
A space in another time,
Beyond the shadows of darkest night

It seems perhaps I dreamed you,
From some time so long ago;
Some ancient wisp of memory,
Did the land of mists bestow