بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم من هنا تبدأ القصه قال لي بأنه يستخدم ال Doxycycline لعلاج حصوات الكى !!!!!!!!!!!! غريب جدا ما تقول ...ربما يكون هذا الكلام معقول بدأت البحث فلقيت العجاب فهناك بكتيريا تسمى Nanobacteria Extra-tiny microorganisms may lead to kidney stones and other diseases وهي التي يشار اليها بالسهم في هذه الصورة أليس هذا عجيباً ,,,أن يكون للبكتيريا شخصياً طائفة أصغر من البكتيريا ذاتها التي لا ترى بالعين المجردة "They are as small as the largest viruses—and smaller," اكتشفت في العام 1996 تم اتهامها بالتسبب في حصوات الكلى ,,, فهي كما يقال عنها تعمل غلافا كلسيا تحمي نفسها به "We believe that they are the real starting point of most kidney stones," says Kajander. كما تتهم بأنها التي تتسبب في تصلب الشرايين هذه الأيام reports that a strong correlation has been found between
لمن أراد معلومات إضافية :- It now appears that infections are a major cause of kidney stones In 1996, researchers from Turkey (1) and Finland (2) reported that newly discovered bacteria called nanobacteria, cause kidney stones This month, researchers in Formosa report finding a common intestinal bacteria called proteus and another often ---ually transmitted bacteria called ureaplasma in kidney stones (3) Doctors used to tell their patients with kidney stones to reduce their intake of calcium, but recent research shows that restricting calcium causes stone formers to increase their chances of getting kidny stones (4,5) and osteoporosis (6) Doctors failed to find infections in kidney stones before because nanobacteria are so small that they cannot be seen by conventional microscopes, but can be seen through the super powerful electron microscope, they do not stain with conventional bacterial stains and they do not grow in conventional laboratory agar and grow very slowly on special media Nanobacteria cause calcium, phosphorus and other minerals to form carbonate apatite as a ----l around them, that is a major component of kidney stones Antibodies that bind to nanobacteria have been found in all 30 stones tested Tetracycline antibiotics accumulate in the calcium ----l, and have been shown to kill nanobacteria There are no studies to test whether daily intake of doxycycline prevents kidney stones, but these tests should be started soon I treat my patients with kidney stones with doxycycline 100 mg twice a day for many months However, treatment of kidney stones with antibiotics is controversial and not accepted by most doctors; discuss this with your doctor