وقف تداول عقار acomplia

الناقل : elmasry | الكاتب الأصلى : esraaa | المصدر : sayadla.com

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

تم مؤخرا وقف تداول عقار اكومبليا في معظم الاسواق العربية كاللبنانية والامارتية والخليجية والفلسطينية......اكومبليا الذي يستخدم لعلاج الوزن الزائد والبدانة، بعد أن قررت الوكالة الاوروبية للدواء تعليق تسويق الدواء مؤقتاً لأنه قد يسبب أعراضاً نفسية محتمل أن تؤدي إلى الانتحار في بعض الاحيان،

What is Acomplia?
Acomplia is the first CB1 cannabinoid receptor blocker. The CB1 receptor is in your brain. Blocking this receptor results in a decrease in appetite. Take the pill, you eat less and lose weight. This drug is for obese individuals and has been proven to work at decreasing weight.
Acomplia is made by Sanofi-Aventis and has been approved in over 35 countries. Unfortunately, having to sell it in those countries and not the US is like having to go to the prom with your cousin. It is just not ideal. Americans are the largest people in the world and we spend more on prescription medications than anyone.
What is wrong with Acomplia?
Acomplia was rejected because of its potential side effects. It seems that blocking the CB1 receptor does more than just suppress your appetite. It also causes depression and anxiety in some people. Most people would be happy if they lost some weight, but this drug may make you sad while you lose weight. Sounds like fun.