امسح البرامج من جذورها Uninstall Tool

الناقل : SunSet | الكاتب الأصلى : بركاتوبرغي | المصدر : www.al-7up.com

امسح البرامج جذورها Uninstall Tool


البرامج من جذورها uninstall tool

امسح البرامج جذورها Uninstall Tool

البرمامج الاقوى لحذف
البرامج من جذورها
بالعادة بعد الغاء تثبيت
البرامج يتبقى لها اثار مدمرة على النظام
من الان يمكنك بكل ثقة التخلص من
البرامج وكل توابعها

للتحميل من هنا

امسح البرامج جذورها Uninstall Tool

Uninstall tool – Unique And Powerful Uninstaller. Make your Computer Work Faster Now by using uninstall Tool! It’s a fast, secure and convenient way to remove unneeded applications and system components. Great, powerful and reliable alternative to standard Windows Add/Remove program. The program has lots of features and options mising in Microsoft’s applet. uninstall tool works with LIGHTNING SPEED and COMPLETELY removes any program from your computer. Main:
– Revised and improved User Interface (including new icons)
– Secondary toolbar with addional functions (can be hidden)
– Adjustable positions of toolbars (top/bottom/side)
– Simplified and more convenient use of task panel (in the left of Uninstaller and Startup managers), added keyboard navigation for task panel controls
– Automatic check for updates (optional) and new version dialog with ‘what’s new’ list
– Improved preferences dialog
– New HTML report (both for Uninstaller and Startup manager)
– Running different Windows Tools (Tools menu)
– Program preferences are always saved to the ‘preferences.xml’ file (located in CSIDL_APPDATA\CrystalIdea Software\Uninstall Tool)
– 90% of program code is rewritten/reviewed/optimized
– Improved program stability