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Pro 5.2.157
بمميزات رائعة
وصف البرنامج : برنامج يتيح لك إدارة و تحرير و عرض
الرقمية بكل سهولة و أيضا يمكنك إنشاء ألبومات متعددة لصورك الرقمية على جهازك. ACDSee is the essential application for acquiring, organizing, viewing, enhancing and sharing your digital photos and other media files. ACDSee's Browser lets you copy photos from your camera to your computer, categorize and rate your files, and manage photo collections of any size - from a few hundred to a few hundred thousand. Choose to view thumbnail previews of any size, or use a detailed list of file properties to sort your files. Can't find a particular photo? No problem -
includes a variety of powerful searching tools and a Compare Images feature to eliminate duplicates.
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